About Us
We've come a long way in 100 years
In November 1919 as a 23 year old, Cprl Joseph Edgar was demobbed from the army to return to his West Cumbrian village of Rowrah and use the skills he had developed in the Engineering corps to start his own agricultural engineering business, repairing farm equipment. Time was insignificant to him and if a special tool was not available he just designed and made one. So began the business of Joseph Edgar.
As years passed it became evident to Joseph that a bigger premises was required and working with his son, Iredale, they designed a very "modern" workshop on the sloping land of Station Works at Rowrah. This housed a pit area in the centre with a parts store underneath and separate doors for each work bay. With his new facility, Iredale became anxious to further expand the business by selling cars. Joseph was not keen on this idea and was quite horrified by his new daughter-in-law' s insistence that customers should be sent bills for work carried out.
Having two sites proved very fortuitous for the business as Terry's two sons were now in a position following their mechanic apprenticeship to turn to the management side with Jason at Rowrah and Justin at Dunmail Park whilst Terry remained MD of the business.
Before Rover left the scene, Edgars had negotiated and won Hyundai and Suzuki franchises at Dunmail. With some of Rover management moving to Nissan, and Edgar's reputation going before them, the Rowrah site was granted a Nissan franchise to complete J Edgar and Son portfolio.
So, eventually, with a new purpose built showroom at Dunmail Park and a new Nissan complex at Rowrah, the Edgar family could look forward to building dealerships that carried on their tradition of providing the excellent service for which it had become renowned. Today, Joseph's grandson Terry remains MD of the business.
"The name above the door hasn't changed in 100 years and we take some pride in that fact.
The Company is still entirely owned and managed by our family who have all come through the business from the ground floor to Director level. We operate a 'hands on' policy so customers can be assured that, whether they are looked after by a family member or a highly trained member of staff, they will receive the courteous and helpful attention that we positively insist on. Employees at J Edgar & Son are encouraged to improve existing skills and develop the same pride in their work that Joseph Edgar himself insisted on.
Friendly knowledgeable sales executives, who are happy to advise on all aspects of car purchase, welcome customers through the doors, whilst well trained and highly motivated technicians working in the modern workshop facilities at Rowrah and Dunmail ensure that customers get the best possible service."